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Object storage with HPE Apollo 4000 & scality ring

Support the growing demand for data storage with an object storage solution that delivers performance, reliability, and massive scalability while answering data center challenges of space, energy, and time.

ArkHub is built on the high storage density of HPE Apollo 4510, in tandem with Scality RING scalable object storage to create dense, stretch object storage across three locations.

MediaHub is a long-time user of HPE servers and storage. This history, Alan Sweeney (CEO) said, plus trusted support and HPE’s collaboration with Scality (a recognized leader in scalable object storage), led to the decision to select HPE and Scality to develop ArkHub.

HPE collaborated with partner Orro Group on the MediaHub solution, helping the broadcast services provider on its journey to expand its services to customers.

“It was clear we had two great professional businesses working together to deliver a very robust, technologically-advanced solution. This would allow us to develop a storage solution that would meet all the data storage requirements of the industry and our clients,” Sweeney said.

The launch also opens up opportunities in new industries too. MediaHub is pursuing data-heavy industries, including healthcare, education, and finance, where secure access to historical data is critical. The HPE solution is easily expandable, meaning MediaHub can add capacity as required.

Learn More from HPe at https://www.hpe.com/psnow/doc/a50004689enw